'' The Cathedral Psalter Chants
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The Cathedral Psalter Chants

Number -- Status64 -- Included
Full TitleThe Cathedral Psalter Chants
Author(s)Flood Jones, S. / Turle, J. / Troutbeck, J. / Stainer, J. / Barnby, J.
PublisherNovello and Company, London
Year of Publicationca. 1890
Chants numbered continuouslyYes
Psalms associated with chants - Pointed text includedYes/No
Sets of chants for certain psalmsNo
Separate selections of psalms includedNo
Sourceown property
Additional comments This is the collection of chants as used in The Cathedral Psalter (no. 4) which has both the text and the chants.
The chants for the canticles are not numbered, for the purpose of this index they are numbered on a per page basis (page numbers are roman). Other chants are numbered starting with no. 1 for Day 1.

Table of Contents

Click here for an explanation of the conventions used in the listings

p-n T Key Composer Finger
viii-1 D D Woodward, Richard    0   0   5  -8   5 (74, 1) Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus(1-13);
viii-2 D G Smart, Henry Thomas   -3  -4   5  -1  -7 (34, 1) Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus(14-25);
viii-3 D D Turle, James    1  -1  -2   7  -7 (50, 1) Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus(26-end);
ix-1 S C Hayes, William   -1   1  -3   5  -3 (32, 2) Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus(1-13);
ix-2 S G Russell, William    1  -3   5  -7   5 (46, -) Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus(14-25);
ix-3 S C Stainer, John   -2  -1   5   3  -1 (26, 1) Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus(26-end);
x-1 D E Russell, William    5  -1  -2  -2  -2 (56, 6) Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus(1-13);
x-2 D A Jones, John   -2  -2  -1   1   0 (46, 7) Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus(14-25);
x-3 D E Pye, Kellow John    3  -3  -4   7   2 (60, 1) Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus(26-end);
xi-1 D C Lawes, Henry    9  -2  -2  -5   2 (46, 2) Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus(1-23);
xi-2 D G Cooke, Robert    1   2   2  -2  -2 (61, 12) Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus(14-25);
xi-3 D C Hopkins, Edward John    2  -2  -2   2  -3 (52, 8) Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus(26-end);
xii-1 S E♭ Hopkins, Edward John    3   0   5 -12   2 (60, 4) Psalm: Benedicite, omnia opera Domini(1-17; 26-end);
xii-2 S B♭ Elvey, George Job    2   3  -1   1   2 (60, 2) Psalm: Benedicite, omnia opera Domini(18-25);
xii-4 S D Barnby, Joseph    0   5  -3   0   0 (4, -) Psalm: Benedicite, omnia opera Domini(1-17; 26-end);
xii-5 S G Rimbault, Edward Francis   -3   5  -2   0  -3 (42, 1) Psalm: Benedicite, omnia opera Domini(18-25);
xiii-1 S D Battishill, Jonathan    0  -3   8  -3  -7 (48, -) Psalm: Benedicite, omnia opera Domini(1-17; 26-end);
xiii-2 S G Tomlinson,    2   2   1  -3   2 (13, 17) Psalm: Benedicite, omnia opera Domini(18-25);
xiii-4 S B♭ Arnold, Samuel   -4   2  -3   1  -3 (45, 2) Psalm: Benedicite, omnia opera Domini(1-17; 26-end);
xiii-5 S F Armes, Philip   -4   4   3  -2   4 (12, -) Psalm: Benedicite, omnia opera Domini(18-25);
xiv-1 D F Langdon, Richard    0   2   2   0  -2 (91, 25) Psalm: Benedictus Dominus Deus (Luke 1, 67-79);
xiv-2 D G Garrett, George Mursell    0   0   2   0   2 (39, 13) Psalm: Benedictus Dominus Deus (Luke 1, 67-79);
xiv-3 D G Troutbeck, John   -1  -2  -2   5   2 (12, 9) Psalm: Benedictus Dominus Deus (Luke 1, 67-79);
xiv-4 D E Barnby, Joseph    4   5  -2   0   5 (50, 2) Psalm: Benedictus Dominus Deus (Luke 1, 67-79);
xv-1 S F Hayes, Philip   -3   1  -3   2  -4 (36, 1) Psalm: Jubilate;
xv-2 S E Ayrton, Edmund    5  -7  -1   5  -2 (48, 1) Psalm: Jubilate;
xv-3 S C Goodson sr, Richard    5  -1  -2   0   5 (45, 7) Psalm: Jubilate;
xv-4 S G Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore    0   3  -7   5   0 (35, 1) Psalm: Jubilate;
xv-5 X G Anonymous    2  -2   0   0   0 (7, 4) Psalm: Quicunque vult/Athanasian Creed;
xvi-1 S G Battishill, Jonathan   -1   1   5  -1   5 (68, 3) Psalm: Magnificat (Luke 1, 46-55);
xvi-2 S A MacFarren, George Alexander    2   2   1  -8   2 (55, 2) Psalm: Magnificat (Luke 1, 46-55);
xvi-3 S E Barnby, Joseph   -3   3  -2  -1  -2 (41, 1) Psalm: Magnificat (Luke 1, 46-55);
xvi-4 D G Smart, Henry Thomas   -3  -4   5  -1  -7 (34, 1) Psalm: Magnificat (Luke 1, 46-55);
xvii-1 S E♭ Hopkins, Edward John    3   0   5 -12   2 (60, 4) Psalm: Cantate Domino;
xvii-2 S D Monk, Edwin George   -8   1   2   2   2 (50, 5) Psalm: Cantate Domino;
xvii-3 D D Woodward, Richard    0   0   5  -8   5 (74, 1) Psalm: Cantate Domino;
xvii-4 D C Crotch, William   -8  -2  -2   2   2 (69, 2) Psalm: Cantate Domino;
xviii-1 S a Monk, Edwin George   -1  -2  -1   3  -7 (29, 1) Psalm: Nunc Dimittis (Luke 2, 29-32);
xviii-2 S E♭ Felton, William    0   0   0   0   1 (80, 15) Psalm: Nunc Dimittis (Luke 2, 29-32);
xviii-3 S f# Wesley, Samuel Sebastian    0   2  -3  -1   0 (34, 1) Psalm: Nunc Dimittis (Luke 2, 29-32);
xviii-4 S f# Foster, John    0   0   0  -1  -2 (13, 2) Psalm: Nunc Dimittis (Luke 2, 29-32);
xix-1 D C Hopkins, Edward John    2  -2  -2   2  -3 (52, 8) Psalm: Deus misereatur;
xix-2 D E Havergal, William Henry   -2   5  -7   9  -2 (61, 3) Psalm: Deus misereatur;
xix-3 D E Goss, John    3  -2  -1  -2  -2 (61, 20) Psalm: Deus misereatur;
xix-4 S F Littleton, Alfred Henry    1  -1  -2   5  -2 (9, 1) Psalm: Deus misereatur;
2-1 S C Goodson sr, Richard    5  -1  -2   0   5 (45, 7) Psalm: Venite;
2-2 D F Wesley, Samuel    0   0   2  -4  -1 (49, 1) Psalm: 1;
2-3 D F Turle, James    2   0   2   3  -5 (47, -) Psalm: 2;
3-4 D C Hopkins, Edward John    2  -2  -2   2  -3 (52, 8) Psalm: 3;
3-5 S a Monk, Edwin George   -1  -2  -1   3  -7 (29, 1) Psalm: 4;
3-6 D F Elvey, George Job   -2   2  -4   5   0 (28, 4) Psalm: 5;
4-7 S a Purcell, Henry    1   1  -1   3   3 (51, -) Psalm: 6;
4-8 D a Cooke, Benjamin    1   2   1  -3   5 (30, -) Psalm: 7;
4-9 S A Tucker, William    5  -1   1  -5   2 (70, 2) Psalm: 8;
5-10 S A Goss, John    4  -2   3  -1  -2 (60, 2) Psalm: Venite;
5-11 D D Oakeley, Herbert Stanley    5   0  -5   5  -1 (13, -) Psalm: 9; 10(13-end);
5-12 S g Tallis, Thomas    2  -2  -1   0   1 (38, 3) Psalm: 10(1-12);
5-13 S G Stainer, John    2   2   1   2   2 (16, 30) Psalm: 11;
6-14 S B♭ Arnold, Samuel   -4   2  -3   1  -3 (45, 2) Psalm: Venite;
6-15 D F Goss, John   -2   0  -1  -2  -2 (22, 1) Psalm: 9;
6-16 S d Hervey, Frederick Alfred John   -2  -2  -1   0   0 (8, 1) Psalm: 10;
6-17 S B♭ Battishill, Jonathan    2   2   1   0   2 (23, 10) Psalm: 11;
7-18 D d Turle, James   -7   2   1   2   2 (57, 4) Psalm: 12; 13;
7-19 D g Flintoft, Luke    2   0   1   0   2 (104, 5) Psalm: 14;
7-20 D e Stainer, John   -4   1   8  -1   0 (30, -) Psalm: 12; 13;
7-21 S a Cooper, Joseph Thomas    0   0   5   0  -1 (9, 1) Psalm: 14;
8-22 S G Russell, William    1  -3   5  -7   5 (46, -) Psalm: Venite;
8-23 S D Kelway, Thomas    0   2   1   5  -3 (56, -) Psalm: 15; 16;
8-24 S G Tomlinson,    2   2   1  -3   2 (13, 17) Psalm: 17;
8-25 S G Wickes, Croome Allan    2   2   1  -8   2 (11, 2) Psalm: Venite;
8-26 S D Reinagle, Alexander Robert    0  -2  -2   9   2 (8, -) Psalm: 15; 16;
8-27 S G Littleton, Alfred Henry   -2  -2  -1  -2   2 (4, 9) Psalm: 17;
9-28 S E♭ Hopkins, Edward John    3   0   5 -12   2 (60, 4) Psalm: 18(1-6);
9-29 S c Rimbault, Edward Francis    5  -2  -3   0   0 (36, -) Psalm: 18(7-15);
9-30 S A♭ Monk, Edwin George   -2   2  -4   2  -3 (24, 3) Psalm: 18(16-24);
9-31 S E♭ Battishill, Jonathan   -2  -2  12  -3  -7 (32, 1) Psalm: 18(25-36);
9-32 S A♭ Luard-Selby, Bertram [Anonymous]    0   2   2   0   1 (7, 22) Psalm: 18(37-46); attributed "Anon.", Hylton Stewart (book 153, no. 40) attributes to Luard Selby.
9-33 S E♭ Hopkins, Edward John    3   0   5 -12   2 (60, 4) Psalm: 18(47-end);
9-34 S B♭ Crotch, William    0  -1   1  -3  -2 (51, 1) Psalm: 18(1-24);
9-35 S F Hervey, Frederick Alfred John    1   4  -2  -7   2 (8, 3) Psalm: 18(25-end);
10-36 S G Lee, William    7  -3  -2   3   0 (32, -) Psalm: Venite;
10-37 S D Monk, Edwin George   -8   1   2   2   2 (50, 5) Psalm: 19;
10-38 S A Aldrich, Henry   -2   2   1  -1  -2 (59, 13) Psalm: 20;
10-39 D D Woodward, Richard    0   0   5  -8   5 (74, 1) Psalm: 21;
11-40 D a Battishill, Jonathan   -2  -2  -1   8  -1 (96, 6) Psalm: 22(1-22);
11-41 D E Jones, John   -1  -2  -2   7   2 (8, 5) Psalm: 22(23-end);
11-42 D C Hopkins, Edward John    2  -2  -2   2  -3 (52, 8) Psalm: 23;
12-43 D c Goss, John    0  -1  -2   3   2 (28, 2) Psalm: 22(1-22);
12-44 D E♭ Worgan, John   -2  -1  -2   2   1 (29, 4) Psalm: 22(23-end);
12-45 S A♭ Stephens, Charles Edward   -5   1  -3   5  -7 (6, 1) Psalm: 23;
13-46 S A Stanley, R.H.   -3   2   1   2   2 (19, 8) Psalm: Venite;
13-47 D E Barnby, Joseph    4   5  -2   0   5 (50, 2) Psalm: 24;
13-48 D A Goss, John    2   2   1   2   2 (36, 30) Psalm: 25;
13-49 S E Foster, John    1  -3  -2   7  -3 (12, -) Psalm: 26;
14-50 S c MacFarren, George Alexander    1   4   3  -4   1 (12, -) Psalm: 27;
14-51 D g Hopkins, Edward John   -1  -2  -1   3   1 (42, 3) Psalm: 28(1-6);
14-52 D G Hopkins, Edward John   -2  -2  -1   3   2 (57, 5) Psalm: 28(7-end);
14-53 S C MacFarren, George Alexander    2   3   4  -5   1 (45, 1) Psalm: 29;
15-54 S D Alcock sr., John   -1   1  -3  -4   2 (6, -) Psalm: Venite;
15-55 S A Hayes, William    4  -2  -2   0   5 (53, 4) Psalm: 30(1-6);
15-56 S a Hayes, William    3  -1  -2   0   5 (29, 5) Psalm: 30(7-11);
15-57 S A Hayes, William    4  -2  -2   0   5 (53, 4) Psalm: 30(12-end);
15-58 D E Matthews, Samuel    0  -2  -2   9  -2 (44, 5) Psalm: 31;
16-59 S G Elvey, George Job   -2  -2   5  -1  -2 (26, 25) Psalm: 32;
16-60 S D Crotch, William   -2  -1  -2   5   2 (39, 3) Psalm: 33;
16-61 S G Armes, Philip   -2   5  -2  -1  -2 (8, 1) Psalm: 34;
16-62 S F Turle, James    2   3  -1   3   2 (32, 2) Psalm: 32;
16-63 S C Tallis, Thomas    0  -5   2   0   2 (48, 3) Psalm: 33;
16-64 S F Rimbault, Edward Francis   -3   5  -2   0  -3 (42, 1) Psalm: 34;
17-65 S B♭ Elvey, Stephen    4  -2  -2  -3   2 (35, 1) Psalm: Venite;
17-66 S g Langdon, Richard   -1  -2   8  -3   2 (27, 1) Psalm: 35(1-16); From Langdon's collection ("Divine Harmony")
17-67 D E♭ Henley, Phocion   -2  -2   9  -2  -2 (66, 2) Psalm: 35(17-end);
17-68 D A♭ Bevan, Sydney    2   5  -3   0  -2 (25, -) Psalm: 36;
18-69 D E Goss, John    3  -2  -1  -2  -2 (61, 20) Psalm: 37;
18-70 S D♭ Barnby, Joseph    0   0   1   0   2 (10, -) Psalm: 37;
18-71 D E Foster, John   -1   1   2   3  -1 (33, -) Psalm: 37;
18-72 D E Havergal, William Henry   -2   5  -7   9  -2 (61, 3) Psalm: 37;
19-73 S E Hayes, Philip    3  -2  -1   5  -7 (28, 3) Psalm: Venite;
19-74 D a Barnby, Joseph    3  -2  -1   4   1 (43, -) Psalm: 38; 39;
19-75 D E Barnby, Joseph   -1  -2  -2   9  -2 (11, 9) Psalm: 40;
20-76 S F Elvey, George Job    1   4  -7   5  -2 (11, 1) Psalm: Venite;
20-77 D f Turle, James [Purcell, Henry ]    0   0   0   0   2 (40, 12) Psalm: 38; 39;
20-78 D F Turle, James    0   0  -2  -1   5 (36, 1) Psalm: 40;
21-79 S A Nares, James    1  -3  -3   1  -3 (61, 1) Psalm: 41;
21-80 S E Foster, John   -2  -2   7   0   0 (15, -) Psalm: 42;
21-81 D A Jackson, Thomas    4  -5   1   2   2 (22, 1) Psalm: 43;
22-82 D D Goss, John    1   2  -7   5  -1 (23, 1) Psalm: 41;
22-83 S G Stainer, John    2  -7   5   2   2 (19, -) Psalm: 42;
22-84 D D Soaper, John   -2   2   1   4  -2 (68, 3) Psalm: 43;
23-85 S C Savage, William    0  -1   1   0   0 (63, 2) Psalm: Venite;
23-86 D G Crotch, William   -2  -2  -1   1   2 (36, 25) Psalm: 44(1-9);
23-87 D g Crotch, William   -1  -2  -1   1   2 (13, 4) Psalm: 44(10-end);
24-88 S E♭ Havergal, William Henry    5  -1  -2  -2  -3 (11, 5) Psalm: 45(1-10);
24-89 S A♭ Hiles, Henry   -2  -2   7 -12   2 (20, 1) Psalm: 45(11-end);
24-90 S D♭ Turner, William   -3  -2  -1   1   0 (29, -) Psalm: 46;
24-91 S C Russell, William    5   4  -7   0   2 (58, -) Psalm: Venite;
24-92 D G Russell, William    7  -2  -1   5  -2 (36, 1) Psalm: 44(1-9);
25-93 D g Russell, William    7  -2  -2   5  -1 (21, 1) Psalm: 44(10-end);
25-94 S D MacFarren, George Alexander    5  -8   1   4  -2 (14, 2) Psalm: 45(1-10);
25-95 S G Turle, James    0   2   2   0   3 (34, 6) Psalm: 45(11-end); Two trebles
25-96 S C Jones, John    5   2  -3  -2  -2 (19, 1) Psalm: 46;
26-97 D D Davy, John   -1  -4   5 -12   9 (54, -) Psalm: 47;
26-98 S A Pymar, Thomas    0   4  -7   2   1 (10, -) Psalm: 48;
26-99 S D Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore    2  -4  -3   9   1 (20, 1) Psalm: 49;
26-100 D E Massey, Richard   -3   3  -7   0   2 (18, 1) Psalm: 47;
26-101 S A Armes, Philip    3  -5   2   0   0 (5, 1) Psalm: 48;
26-102 S E Wallace, William Vincent   -2  -1  -2   2   0 (18, 3) Psalm: 49;
27-103 S F Farrant, Richard    0   2   2   3  -2 (87, 5) Psalm: Venite;
27-104 S d Wickes, Croome Allan   -2  -7   5  -1  -2 (6, 1) Psalm: 50(1-6);
27-105 S B♭ Elvey, George Job    2   3  -1   1   2 (60, 2) Psalm: 50(7-15);
27-106 S E♭ Monk, Edwin George    5  -8   5   0  -2 (18, -) Psalm: 50(16-end);
27-107 S E♭ Felton, William    0   0   0   0   1 (80, 15) Psalm: 51;
27-108 S B♭ Elvey, George Job    9  -4  -3   0   8 (46, 4) Psalm: 52;
28-109 D A Goss, John    2   2   1   2   2 (36, 30) Psalm: 53;
28-110 S E Wickes, Croome Allan   -2  -2   5  -1  -2 (6, 25) Psalm: 54;
28-111 S a Croft, William   -2  -2  -1   8  -1 (81, 6) Psalm: 55(1-8);
28-112 S d Crotch, William    1  -1  -2   2  -4 (33, 8) Psalm: 55(9-16);
28-113 S B♭ Heathcote, Gilbert    2   0   2   0   1 (12, 8) Psalm: 55(17-end);
29-114 S B♭ Elvey, Stephen    4  -2  -2  -3   2 (35, 1) Psalm: Venite;
29-115 D F Turle, James    0   2  -3   1   0 (64, -) Psalm: 56;
29-116 S B♭ MacFarren, George Alexander    2  -2   5   2   2 (40, 5) Psalm: 57;
29-117 D E♭ Gregory, Edward    0   5  -1  -2   0 (23, 1) Psalm: 58;
30-118 D c Turle, James [Purcell, Henry ]    1   1   1   1   1 (28, 3) Psalm: 59;
30-119 S f Turton, Thomas   -7   2   1  -1   1 (11, 1) Psalm: 60;
30-120 D D♭ Turle, James    1  -1  -2   7  -7 (50, 1) Psalm: 61;
31-121 D f Barnby, Joseph    3  -1   5   0   1 (21, 1) Psalm: 59;
31-122 S D♭ Aylward (Sr.), Theodore   -1  -2  -2   0   2 (33, 8) Psalm: 60;
31-123 D f Goodenough, Robert Philip    2  -3   5   0  -8 (10, -) Psalm: 61;
32-124 S E Burrowes, John Freckleton    4   3   5  -3  -2 (15, 7) Psalm: Venite;
32-125 D A Jones, John   -2  -2  -1   1   0 (46, 7) Psalm: 62;
32-126 D E Camidge, John Jr.    0   1  -1  -2  -2 (35, 1) Psalm: 63;
32-127 D e Camidge, Matthew    2   0   1   2   2 (71, 4) Psalm: 64;
33-128 D G Garrett, George Mursell    0   0   2   0   2 (39, 13) Psalm: 65;
33-129 S D Tomlinson,    3  -1   1   0   2 (14, 3) Psalm: 66;
33-130 D G Wesley, Samuel   -2  -2   5  -1  -2 (74, 25) Psalm: 67;
34-131 S G Turle, James    0   2   2   0   3 (34, 6) Psalm: Venite; Two trebles
34-132 D D Woodward, Richard    0   0   5  -8   5 (74, 1) Psalm: 68(1-23);
34-133 D G Smith, John Stafford   -2  -1  -2  -2   2 (45, 8) Psalm: 68(24-end);
35-134 S F Cooke, Benjamin   -3  -4   9  -4   2 (64, 1) Psalm: Venite;
35-135 D C Crotch, William   -8  -2  -2   2   2 (69, 2) Psalm: 68(1-23);
35-136 D G Cooke, Robert   -2  -2  -1  -2   2 (53, 9) Psalm: 68(24-end);
36-137 D f# Barnby, Joseph    0   3  -1   0   1 (33, 3) Psalm: 69(1-12);
36-138 D D Turle, James   -7   2   2   0   0 (60, 1) Psalm: 69(13-22);
36-139 D d Turle, James   -7   2   1   2   2 (57, 4) Psalm: 69(23-30);
36-140 D D Turle, James    1  -1  -2   7  -7 (50, 1) Psalm: 69(31-end);
37-141 D g Beale, William   -1  -2  -1   1   0 (18, 1) Psalm: 70;
37-142 D e Teesdale, Christopher    3  -1  -2   8  -1 (19, 2) Psalm: 69(1-30);
37-143 D E Hawes, William    3   5  -1  -2  -2 (38, 10) Psalm: 69(31-end); 70;
38-144 S A♭ Alcock sr., John    1  -1  -2   3  -1 (57, 2) Psalm: Venite;
38-145 D E♭ Robinson, John    5  -3  -2  -3   2 (103, -) Psalm: 71(1-14);
38-146 D B♭ Cooke, Benjamin    2   2   1   4  -7 (47, -) Psalm: 71(15-end);
38-147 S E♭ Dupuis, Thomas Saunders   -5  -2  -1   5  -4 (17, -) Psalm: 72;
39-148 D E Smart, Henry Thomas   -2   3  -1   5  -2 (23, 3) Psalm: 73;
39-149 S a Purcell, Henry    1   1  -1   3   3 (51, -) Psalm: 74(1-12);
39-150 S F Felton, William    1   2   2  -7   5 (56, 8) Psalm: 74(13-18);
39-151 S B♭ Woodward, George    0   0   5   4  -2 (27, -) Psalm: 74(19-end);
40-152 S C Stainer, John   -2  -1   5   3  -1 (26, 1) Psalm: Venite;
40-153 D G Cooke, Robert    1   2   2  -2  -2 (61, 12) Psalm: 75;
40-154 S C Woodward, Richard    2   2   1   2   2 (80, 30) Psalm: 76;
40-155 S a Dupuis, Thomas Saunders   -3   2  -3   1   2 (44, -) Psalm: 77;
41-156 S F Webbe Sr, Samuel {Anonymous}    0   0  -2   2   5 (20, -) Psalm: 78(1-17); attributed as "Anonymous"
41-157 S d Crotch, William    1  -1  -2   2  -4 (33, 8) Psalm: 78(18-21);
41-158 S B♭ Heathcote, Gilbert    2   0   2   0   1 (12, 8) Psalm: 78(22-30);
41-159 S g Monk, Edwin George    1   2   2  -7   2 (9, 1) Psalm: 78(31-37);
41-160 S E♭ Dupuis, Thomas Saunders    0  -3   5   0   2 (16, -) Psalm: 78(38-52);
41-161 S B♭ Elvey, George Job    2   3  -1   1   2 (60, 2) Psalm: 78(53-56);
41-162 S g Kelway, Thomas    0   2  -3   1  -3 (36, 3) Psalm: 78(57-65);
41-163 S E♭ Hopkins, Edward John    3   0   5 -12   2 (60, 4) Psalm: 78(66-end);
42-164 Q F Oakeley, Herbert Stanley   -2  -2   5  -1   0 (43, 5) Psalm: 78; Psalm 78 vss. 1-4, 13-16, 21-28, 44-51, 65-72 and the Gloria to be sung in unison.The second half of the chant to be used for the Gloria.
43-165 S B♭ Kempton, Thomas    0   2  -3   1  -3 (16, 3) Psalm: Venite;
43-166 S g Weldon, John    4  -4  -1   0   3 (67, 1) Psalm: 79;
43-167 S E♭ Rimbault, Edward Francis    1   4  -2   2  -4 (20, -) Psalm: 80;
43-168 S B♭ Hiles, Henry    2   2  -7   5  -7 (9, 1) Psalm: 81(1-11);
43-169 S g Kelway, Thomas    0   2  -3   1  -3 (36, 3) Psalm: 81(12-end);
44-170 S E♭ Turle, James    5  -1   5  -2   5 (25, 3) Psalm: 82;
44-171 D c Cooke, Robert    8  -1  -2  -4   2 (80, -) Psalm: 83;
44-172 S E♭ Heywood, John    3  -2  -1   5  -2 (10, 6) Psalm: 84;
44-173 S A♭ Hopkins, Edward John   -2  -2  -1  -4   5 (39, 1) Psalm: 85;
45-174 S D Crotch, William   -2  -1  -2   5   2 (39, 3) Psalm: Venite;
45-175 D g Smith, John Stafford   -2  -2  -1  -2   2 (29, 9) Psalm: 86;
45-176 S E♭ Wallace, William Vincent   -4   5  -3   5  -3 (8, 3) Psalm: 87;
45-177 S c Rimbault, Edward Francis    5  -2  -3   0   0 (36, -) Psalm: 88;
46-178 S G Smart, Henry Thomas    1   2  -5   2  -4 (6, -) Psalm: 89(1-19);
46-179 S D Kelway, Thomas    0   2   1   5  -3 (56, -) Psalm: 89(20-36);
46-180 S g Bennett, William Sterndale    2   1  -1   1   2 (19, 3) Psalm: 89(37-end);
46-181 S F Hayes, Philip   -3   1  -3   2  -4 (36, 1) Psalm: 89(1-19);
46-182 S C Woodward, Richard    2   2   1   2   2 (80, 30) Psalm: 89(20-36);
46-183 S a Monk, Edwin George   -1  -2  -1   3  -7 (29, 1) Psalm: 89(37-end);
47-184 S A Tucker, William    5  -1   1  -5   2 (70, 2) Psalm: Venite;
47-185 D d Barnby, Joseph   -4   2   2   0  -4 (18, 1) Psalm: 90(1-12);
47-186 D D Barnby, Joseph    1  -1   3  -2   4 (25, -) Psalm: 90(13-end);
48-187 S G Felton, William    1   2   2  -7   5 (56, 8) Psalm: 91;
48-188 D D Bentinck, George Cavendish   -5   2  -2  -3   5 (8, -) Psalm: 92;
49-189 S D Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore   -3  -2  -2  -1   0 (15, -) Psalm: 93;
49-190 D G Smart, Henry Thomas   -3  -4   5  -1  -7 (34, 1) Psalm: 94;
49-191 S D Stainer, John   -1   6  -1  -2  -2 (14, 2) Psalm: 93;
49-192 D G Troutbeck, John   -1  -2  -2   5   2 (12, 9) Psalm: 94;
50-193 S C Hayes, William   -1   1  -3   5  -3 (32, 2) Psalm: 95;
50-194 D G Russell, William    7  -2  -1   5  -2 (36, 1) Psalm: 96;
50-195 S C MacFarren, George Alexander    2   3   4  -5   1 (45, 1) Psalm: 97;
51-196 S G Anonymous, on an ancient tune    0  -2   2   0  -4 (6, 4) Psalm: 95;
51-197 D C Lawes, Henry    9  -2  -2  -5   2 (46, 2) Psalm: 96;
51-198 S G King, Charles    1   4  -7   5  -7 (44, 1) Psalm: 97;
52-199 S G Fussell, Peter   -2  -1  -2   2  -2 (42, 4) Psalm: 98;
52-200 S D Battishill, Jonathan    0  -3   8  -3  -7 (48, -) Psalm: 99;
52-201 S G Battishill, Jonathan   -1   1   5  -1   5 (68, 3) Psalm: 100;
52-202 S C Hayes, William   -5  -2  -1   5   2 (19, -) Psalm: 101;
52-203 S E Smart, Henry Thomas    4   2   1   2   2 (4, -) Psalm: 98; 99; 100;
52-204 S A Novello, Vincent    2  -2  -1  -2   2 (13, 2) Psalm: 101;
53-205 S A Turner, William    2   0   2  -4   5 (74, 7) Psalm: Venite;
53-206 S f# Wesley, Samuel Sebastian    0   2  -3  -1   0 (34, 1) Psalm: 102;
53-207 S D Foster, John    5  -1  -2  -2   0 (16, 6) Psalm: 103;
53-208 S E Ayrton, Edmund    5  -7  -1   5  -2 (48, 1) Psalm: Venite;
53-209 S a Hayes, William    3  -1  -2   0   5 (29, 5) Psalm: 102;
53-210 S E Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore    5  -3  -4  -3   5 (60, -) Psalm: 103;
54-211 S D Smart, Henry Thomas   -5   2  -2  -2  -1 (8, 1) Psalm: 104(1-13);
54-212 S A Turton, Thomas   -2  -3   1  -3   2 (23, 1) Psalm: 104(14-23);
54-213 S D Smart, Henry Thomas   -5   2  -2  -2  -1 (8, 1) Psalm: 104(24-26);
54-214 S G Hopkins, Edward John    0   1  -3   2  -4 (3, 6) Psalm: 104(27-30);
54-215 S D Smart, Henry Thomas   -5   2  -2  -2  -1 (8, 1) Psalm: 104(31-end);
54-216 S A♭ Anonymous, on an ancient tune    0   1  -3   2  -4 (7, 6) Psalm: 104(1-23);
54-217 S E♭ Travers, John    3   5  -1  -4   2 (30, 2) Psalm: 104(24-end);
55-218 S E Barnby, Joseph   -3   3  -2  -1  -2 (41, 1) Psalm: Venite;
55-219 D A Smart, Henry Thomas    5   4  -2   5  -7 (27, -) Psalm: 105(1-16);
55-220 D E Pye, Kellow John    3  -3  -4   7   2 (60, 1) Psalm: 105(17-40);
55-221 D A Smart, Henry Thomas    5   4  -2   5  -7 (27, -) Psalm: 105(41-end);
56-222 S C Goodson sr, Richard    5  -1  -2   0   5 (45, 7) Psalm: 106(1-12);
56-223 S f Leslie, Henry David   -7   2  -3   9  -1 (5, -) Psalm: 106(13-27);
56-224 S D♭ MacFarren, George Alexander    2   2   1  -8   5 (20, 2) Psalm: 106(28-42);
56-225 S A♭ Bexfield, William Richard    5   2  -3   2   1 (7, -) Psalm: 106(43-end);
56-226 S C Crotch, William    2   2  -7   5  -7 (19, 1) Psalm: 106(1-27);
56-227 S G Medley, Samuel    0  -2  -2   0   2 (6, 4) Psalm: 106(28-end);
57-228 S F Dyce, William    3  -1   1  -3  -2 (34, -) Psalm: Venite;
57-229 D C Crotch, William   -8  -2  -2   2   2 (69, 2) Psalm: 107(1-4; 8-9; 15-16; 21-22; 31-end);
57-230 S f Poland, --   -2  -2  -1  -2   0 (4, 6) Psalm: 107(5-7; 10-14);
57-231 S G Taylor, William    3  -3  -2  -2   4 (11, 7) Psalm: 107(17-20);
57-232 S F Rimbault, Edward Francis    1   2   2  -2   0 (9, 9) Psalm: 107(23-30);
58-233 S G Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore    0   3  -7   5   0 (35, 1) Psalm: Venite;
58-234 S D Battishill, Jonathan   -5   0  -7   0   9 (60, -) Psalm: 107(1-4; 8-9; 15-16; 21-22; 31-end);
58-235 S g Tallis, Thomas    2  -2  -1   0   1 (38, 3) Psalm: 107(5-7; 10-14);
58-236 S A Nares, James {Anonymous}   -1   1   2   2  -7 (38, 3) Psalm: 107(17-20);
58-237 S G Alcock sr., John    1  -1  -2   3  -1 (57, 2) Psalm: 107(23-30);
59-238 S C Turle, James    2   2   1   2   2 (15, 30) Psalm: Venite;
59-239 S F Cooke, Benjamin   -3  -4   9  -4   2 (64, 1) Psalm: 107(1-22);
59-240 S B♭ Nares, James {Anonymous}   -1   1   2   2  -7 (38, 3) Psalm: 107(23-end);
60-241 D E Russell, William    5  -1  -2  -2  -2 (56, 6) Psalm: 108;
60-242 D a Smart, Henry Thomas    0   5  -1   0   1 (42, 3) Psalm: 109(1-19);
60-243 D F Goodenough, Robert Philip    1  -3   5   0  -8 (42, -) Psalm: 109(20-end);
61-244 S A MacFarren, George Alexander    2   2   1  -8   2 (55, 2) Psalm: Venite;
61-245 S E Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore    5  -3  -4  -3   5 (60, -) Psalm: 110;
61-246 D A Turle, James   -2  -2  -3   2   1 (50, 4) Psalm: 111;
61-247 D E Elvey, George Job    3   5  -1  -2  -2 (23, 10) Psalm: 112;
61-248 S A Smart, Henry Thomas    3  -8   1  -1  -2 (20, -) Psalm: 113;
62-249 S e (Per) Anonymous [Gregorian]   -2   3  -1  -2  -2 (47, 14) Psalm: 114;
62-250 S G Wickes, Croome Allan    2   2   1  -8   2 (11, 2) Psalm: 115;
62-251 D F Bennett, Alfred    2   0   2   0   0 (36, 4) Psalm: 114;
62-252 S B♭ Arnold, Samuel   -4   2  -3   1  -3 (45, 2) Psalm: 115;
63-253 S A Novello, Vincent    4  -4   5  -3   5 (18, 2) Psalm: Venite;
63-254 D E Camidge, John Jr.    0   1  -1  -2  -2 (35, 1) Psalm: 116; 117;
63-255 S A Kinkee, Frederick   -2  -2  -3   8  -3 (11, -) Psalm: 118(1-14);
63-256 S E Travers, John    3   5  -1  -4   2 (30, 2) Psalm: 118(15-end);
64-257 D F Fitzherbert, William    3  -2  -1  -2   2 (49, 9) Psalm: 119(1-8);
64-258 S C Nares, James    2   0  -2   5   0 (11, 3) Psalm: 119(9-16);
64-259 S F Rimbault, Edward Francis    1  -3   5   0  -7 (16, -) Psalm: 119(17-24);
64-260 S B♭ Hindle, John   -2  -3   1  -4   1 (32, 1) Psalm: 119(25-32);
65-261 S G Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore    0   3  -7   5   0 (35, 1) Psalm: Venite;
65-262 S D Jones, John   -2  -1  -2   7   2 (52, 2) Psalm: 119(33-40);
65-263 D G Lemon, John   -7   2   1   2   2 (55, 4) Psalm: 119(41-48);
65-264 D C Dupuis, Thomas Saunders   -2  -2   9  -2   2 (42, 1) Psalm: 119(57-64);
65-265 S G King, Charles    1   4  -7   5  -7 (44, 1) Psalm: 119(65-72);
66-266 S G Purcell, Daniel    0  -1   1   5  -6 (55, 3) Psalm: 119(73-80);
66-267 S D Garrett, George Mursell    2   3  -1  -2  -2 (21, 16) Psalm: 119(81-88);
66-268 S G Walmisley, Thomas Attwood    3   2  -7   3  -1 (20, 2) Psalm: 119(89-96);
66-269 S C Turle, James    0   2   2   1  -8 (32, 2) Psalm: 119(97-104);
67-270 S F Reinagle, Alexander Robert   -2  -1  -2   7  -2 (14, 5) Psalm: Venite;
67-271 S C Baker, Henry    2  -2   5  -1  -2 (14, 10) Psalm: 119(105-112);
67-272 S F Armes, Philip   -4   4   3  -2   4 (12, -) Psalm: 119(113-120);
67-273 S B♭ Greene, Maurice   -2  -3   1   0   2 (62, 3) Psalm: 119(121-128);
67-274 S F Helmore, Thomas    0   3  -7   2   2 (14, 1) Psalm: 119(129-136); 119(137-144);
68-275 S a Croft, William   -2  -2  -1   8  -1 (81, 6) Psalm: 119(145-152);
68-276 S F Littleton, Alfred Henry    1  -1  -2   5  -2 (9, 1) Psalm: 119(153-160);
68-277 S B♭ Dupuis, Thomas Saunders    5  -1  -2   2  -4 (39, 3) Psalm: 119(161-168);
68-278 S F Wanless, Thomas    3  -2  -3   0   3 (11, 1) Psalm: 119(169-176);
68-279 S f Barnby, Joseph   -2  -2  -1   1   0 (7, 7) Psalm: 119(145-152); 119(153-160);
68-280 S F Barnby, Joseph   -2  -1  -2   2   0 (9, 3) Psalm: 119(161-168); 119(169-176);
69-281 S G Hine, William   -2  -2  -1   1   2 (50, 25) Psalm: Venite;
69-282 D D Beckwith, Edward James    7  -2   0  -1   0 (27, -) Psalm: 120;
69-283 D A Turle, James   -2  -3   1   7  -3 (33, 3) Psalm: 121;
70-284 D D Stainer, John [Beethoven, Ludwig von]   -2   0   5  -2  -1 (16, 3) Psalm: 122; Listed as " From Beethoven", but other sources attribute this arrangement to Stainer.
70-285 D G Garrett, George Mursell   -2  -2   7  -7  -1 (21, 1) Psalm: 123; 124;
70-286 S C Troutbeck, John    4  -2  -2  -3  -2 (11, 2) Psalm: 125;
71-287 D F Turle, James    0   0  -2  -1   5 (36, 1) Psalm: 126;
71-288 D B♭ Goss, John    2   2   1  -3   2 (43, 17) Psalm: 127; 128;
71-289 D F Turle, James    0   0  -2  -1   5 (36, 1) Psalm: 129;
71-290 D f Turle, James [Purcell, Henry ]    0   0   0   0   2 (40, 12) Psalm: 130; 131;
72-291 S D Hooper, Rev. W. N.   -1  -2  -2   0  -2 (7, 5) Psalm: Venite; attributed to "Hooper"
72-292 S G Gilbert, Walter Bond   -2   0  -2   2   0 (13, -) Psalm: 132(1-7);
72-293 S D Stewart, Robert Prescott   -3   1   2   0   2 (13, 9) Psalm: 132(8-end);
72-294 D A Woodward, Richard   -2  -2  -1   1   2 (29, 25) Psalm: 133; 134;
72-295 D D Wellesley, Garrett Colley, Earl of Mornington    0  -2  -1   3   2 (77, 3) Psalm: 135;
73-296 S G Purcell, Thomas   -2  -2   2   5  -2 (74, 1) Psalm: 136;
73-297 S g Purcell, Thomas   -1  -2  -1   8  -7 (67, 3) Psalm: 137;
73-298 S G Purcell, Thomas   -2  -2   2   5  -2 (74, 1) Psalm: 138;
73-299 S G Turle, James   -3   1  -3  -2   9 (28, -) Psalm: 136; Two trebles
73-300 S g Turle, James   -4   2  -3  -2   8 (12, -) Psalm: 137;
73-301 S G Turle, James   -3   1  -3  -2   9 (28, -) Psalm: 138; Two trebles
74-302 S D Savage, William    0  -1   1   0   0 (63, 2) Psalm: Venite;
74-303 S A Turton, Thomas    2  -2   5  -1  -2 (27, 10) Psalm: 139;
74-304 D F Barnby, Joseph    3  -2  -1  -2  -2 (9, 20) Psalm: 140;
74-305 D f Brownsmith, John Leman    7  -2  -2  -1   1 (25, -) Psalm: 141;
75-306 S c Rimbault, Edward Francis    5  -2  -3   0   0 (36, -) Psalm: 142;
75-307 D E♭ Stainer, John   -2  -2  -1   1   2 (13, 25) Psalm: 143;
75-308 S f# Foster, John    0   0   0  -1  -2 (13, 2) Psalm: 142;
75-309 D D Turle, James    1  -1  -2   7  -7 (50, 1) Psalm: 143;
76-310 S G Hindle, John    3  -5   3  -1  -2 (25, 3) Psalm: Venite;
76-311 D D Woodward, Richard    0   0   5  -8   5 (74, 1) Psalm: 144;
76-312 D G Crotch, William   -2  -1  -2  -2  -1 (52, 8) Psalm: 145;
76-313 S C Woodward, Richard    2   2   1   2   2 (80, 30) Psalm: 146;
77-314 S G Battishill, Jonathan   -1   1   5  -1   5 (68, 3) Psalm: 147;
77-315 S D Battishill, Jonathan    0  -3   8  -3  -7 (48, -) Psalm: 148;
77-316 S G Turle, James    0   2   2   0   3 (34, 6) Psalm: 149; Two trebles
77-317 S C Barnby, Joseph    0   0   2   0   2 (11, 13) Psalm: 150;
78-318 S A MacFarren, George Alexander    2   2   1  -8   2 (55, 2) Psalm: Venite;
78-319 D D Boyce, William   -5  -2  -1   0  -2 (89, 2) Psalm: 144;
78-320 S A Battishill, Jonathan   -5   9  -2   3  -1 (71, -) Psalm: 145;
78-321 S D Turner, William   -3  -2  -1   1   0 (29, -) Psalm: 146;
79-322 S G Turton, Thomas   -7   2   2  -2   2 (23, -) Psalm: 147;
79-323 D C Turle, James    3   0   5  -5   5 (66, -) Psalm: 148;
79-324 S G Rimbault, Edward Francis   -3   5  -2   0  -3 (42, 1) Psalm: 149;
79-325 S C Humphrey, Pelham    0   0  -1   0   1 (101, 10) Psalm: 150;
80-326 S A Crotch, William    0  -1   1  -3  -2 (51, 1) Psalm: Venite;
80-327 S D Monk, Edwin George   -8   1   2   2   2 (50, 5) Psalm: 19;
80-328 S G Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore    0   3  -7   5   0 (35, 1) Psalm: 45(1-10);
80-329 S D MacFarren, George Alexander    5  -8   1   4  -2 (14, 2) Psalm: 45(11-end);
80-330 S G Turle, James    0   2   2   0   3 (34, 6) Psalm: 85; Two trebles
81-331 S F Hayes, Philip   -3   1  -3   2  -4 (36, 1) Psalm: 89(1-19);
81-332 S C Woodward, Richard    2   2   1   2   2 (80, 30) Psalm: 89(20-36);
81-333 S a Monk, Edwin George   -1  -2  -1   3  -7 (29, 1) Psalm: 89(37-end);
81-334 S E Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore    5  -3  -4  -3   5 (60, -) Psalm: 110;
81-335 S A Gilbert, Walter Bond   -2   0  -2   2   0 (13, -) Psalm: 132;
82-336 S F Farrant, Richard    0   2   2   3  -2 (87, 5) Psalm: Venite;
82-337 S a Purcell, Henry    1   1  -1   3   3 (51, -) Psalm: 6;
82-338 S F Turle, James    2   3  -1   3   2 (32, 2) Psalm: 32;
82-339 S d Wickes, Croome Allan   -2  -7   5  -1  -2 (6, 1) Psalm: 38;
83-340 S f Wesley, Samuel Sebastian    0   2  -3  -1   0 (34, 1) Psalm: 102;
83-341 D f Turle, James [Purcell, Henry ]    0   0   0   0   2 (40, 12) Psalm: 130;
83-342 D F Turle, James    2   0   2   3  -5 (47, -) Psalm: 143;
84-343 S E (V-F**) Anonymous [Gregorian] {Anonymous, on an ancient tune}    0   2  -2   0  -3 (37, 13) Psalm: Venite;
84-344 D a Battishill, Jonathan   -2  -2  -1   8  -1 (96, 6) Psalm: 22;
84-345 D E Goss, John    3  -2  -1  -2  -2 (61, 20) Psalm: 40;
84-346 S a Croft, William   -2  -2  -1   8  -1 (81, 6) Psalm: 54;
85-347 D f# Barnby, Joseph    0   3  -1   0   1 (33, 3) Psalm: 69(1-12);
85-348 D D Turle, James   -7   2   2   0   0 (60, 1) Psalm: 69(13-22);
85-349 D d Turle, James   -7   2   1   2   2 (57, 4) Psalm: 69(23-30);
86-350 D D Turle, James    1  -1  -2   7  -7 (50, 1) Psalm: 69(31-end);
86-351 S g Tallis, Thomas    2  -2  -1   0   1 (38, 3) Psalm: 88;
87-352 S C Humphrey, Pelham    0   0  -1   0   1 (101, 10) Psalm: Easter Anthems;
87-353 D G Cooke, Robert   -2  -2  -1  -2   2 (53, 9) Psalm: 2;
87-354 S c Rimbault, Edward Francis    5  -2  -3   0   0 (36, -) Psalm: 57;
87-355 S C Humphrey, Pelham    0   0  -1   0   1 (101, 10) Psalm: 111;
88-356 S D Battishill, Jonathan    0  -3   8  -3  -7 (48, -) Psalm: 113;
88-357 S e (Per) Anonymous [Gregorian]   -2   3  -1  -2  -2 (47, 14) Psalm: 114;
88-358 S C Goodson sr, Richard    5  -1  -2   0   5 (45, 7) Psalm: 118(1-14);
88-359 S G Walmisley, Thomas Attwood   -2   2  -4   5   4 (19, -) Psalm: 118(15-end);
89-360 S A Bacon, Robert   -2  -2  -1  -2  -2 (29, 12) Psalm: Venite;
89-361 S D Tomlinson,    3  -1   1   0   2 (14, 3) Psalm: 8;
89-362 S A Tucker, William    5  -1   1  -5   2 (70, 2) Psalm: 15;
89-363 D D Woodward, Richard    0   0   5  -8   5 (74, 1) Psalm: 21;
90-364 D E Barnby, Joseph    4   5  -2   0   5 (50, 2) Psalm: 24;
90-365 D A Woodward, Richard   -2  -2  -1   1   2 (29, 25) Psalm: 47;
90-366 D E Russell, William    5  -1  -2  -2  -2 (56, 6) Psalm: 108;
91-367 S C Goodson sr, Richard    5  -1  -2   0   5 (45, 7) Psalm: Venite;
91-368 S F Cooke, Benjamin   -3  -4   9  -4   2 (64, 1) Psalm: 48;
91-369 D C Crotch, William   -8  -2  -2   2   2 (69, 2) Psalm: 68(1-23);
91-370 D G Cooke, Robert   -2  -2  -1  -2   2 (53, 9) Psalm: 68(24-end);
92-371 S D Smart, Henry Thomas   -5   2  -2  -2  -1 (8, 1) Psalm: 104(1-13);
92-372 S A Turton, Thomas   -2  -3   1  -3   2 (23, 1) Psalm: 104(14-23);
92-373 S D Smart, Henry Thomas   -5   2  -2  -2  -1 (8, 1) Psalm: 104(24-26);
92-374 S G Hopkins, Edward John    0   1  -3   2  -4 (3, 6) Psalm: 104(27-30);
92-375 S D Smart, Henry Thomas   -5   2  -2  -2  -1 (8, 1) Psalm: 104(31-end);
92-376 D G Cooke, Robert    1   2   2  -2  -2 (61, 12) Psalm: 145;
93-377 S B♭ Crotch, William    0  -1   1  -3  -2 (51, 1) Psalm: Venite;
93-378 S D Battishill, Jonathan    0  -3   8  -3  -7 (48, -) Psalm: 20;
93-379 S G Elvey, George Job   -2  -2   5  -1  -2 (26, 25) Psalm: 101;
93-380 S C Turle, James    2   2   1   2   2 (15, 30) Psalm: 121;
94-381 D B♭ Goss, John    2   2   1  -3   2 (43, 17) Psalm: 128;
94-382 D G Wesley, Samuel   -2  -2   5  -1  -2 (74, 25) Psalm: 67;
95-383 D E♭ Robinson, John    5  -3  -2  -3   2 (103, -) Psalm: 71;
95-384 D a Barnby, Joseph    3  -2  -1   4   1 (43, -) Psalm: 39;
95-385 D d Barnby, Joseph   -4   2   2   0  -4 (18, 1) Psalm: 90;
96-386 D E Camidge, John Jr.    0   1  -1  -2  -2 (35, 1) Psalm: 116;
96-387 D B♭ Goss, John    2   2   1  -3   2 (43, 17) Psalm: 127;
96-388 S E♭ Felton, William    0   0   0   0   1 (80, 15) Psalm: 51;